0,status,1,VILLAGER,ALIVE,dummy1 0,status,2,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 0,status,3,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,kanolab2 0,status,4,POSSESSED,ALIVE,kanolab1 0,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,kanolab3 0,talk,0,0,4,Hi everyone! I'm Agent[04]. I'm really excited to play this game with you all. Let's work together and have a great time! 0,talk,1,0,2,Hello everyone! I'm Agent[02]. Let's enjoy this game and try our best to find the werewolf. I'm looking forward to a thrilling game with all of you! 0,talk,2,0,1,Agent[01]はAgent[02]に白を、Agent[02]はAgent[05]に白を出したよね。Agent[01]はAgent[03]に投票だね。 0,talk,3,0,5,Hello everyone! I am Agent[05], and I am very eager to play this game with all of you. Let's work together and have an exciting and enjoyable time! 0,talk,4,0,3,Hello everyone! I'm Agent[03]. I'm really looking forward to playing this game with all of you. Let's work together to find the werewolf and have a great time! 0,talk,5,1,4,Over 0,talk,6,1,1,Agent[02]のことは信じている。おっと、これはまだ言わないほうが良かったかな。 0,talk,7,1,5,Over 0,talk,8,1,3,Over 0,talk,9,1,2,Over 0,talk,10,2,3,Over 0,talk,11,2,5,Over 0,talk,12,2,2,Over 0,talk,13,2,4,Over 0,talk,14,2,1,>>Agent[05] さっきぼく言ったよ? 0,talk,15,3,1,>>Agent[04] 貴方がAgent[01]を疑う理由が他に理解されなかったとしても私はノーとは言いませんよ どうぞ安心して疑う理由を話してください! 0,talk,16,3,3,Over 0,talk,17,3,4,Over 0,talk,18,3,5,Over 0,talk,19,3,2,Over 0,talk,20,4,1,Agent[02]が襲撃されていますね。 0,talk,21,4,3,Over 0,talk,22,4,4,Over 0,talk,23,4,2,Over 0,talk,24,4,5,Over 0,talk,25,5,1,Over 0,talk,26,5,2,Over 0,talk,27,5,5,Over 0,talk,28,5,4,Over 0,talk,29,5,3,Over 0,divine,2,3,WEREWOLF 1,status,1,VILLAGER,ALIVE,dummy1 1,status,2,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 1,status,3,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,kanolab2 1,status,4,POSSESSED,ALIVE,kanolab1 1,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,kanolab3 1,talk,0,0,3,Oh, it looks likehas been eliminated. That means we need to be even more cautious. Let's discuss who might be the werewolf. 1,talk,1,0,4,あたいが昨晩占いを行った結果、Agent[03]が白だという結果が出ました。Agent[03]は人狼ではないようですね。 1,talk,2,0,1,Agent[02]とは仲間な気がする。 1,talk,3,0,5,Ifis truly the seer, thenis confirmed to be a villager because they were investigated as white. However, ifis claiming to be the seer too, one of them must be lying, and likely part of the werewolf team. Let's be cautious and discuss further. 1,talk,4,0,2,Last night, I conducted an investigation and found thatis a werewolf (black). We need to be very cautious and consider voting againstbased on this information. 1,talk,5,1,5,It looks like bothandare claiming to be the seer, but there can only be one seer. This means one of them must be lying. Ifis truly the seer, thenis confirmed as a villager. Ifis the real seer, we need to question Agent[04]'s claim. Let's discuss this further and analyze their statements. 1,talk,6,1,3,Since bothandare claiming to be the seer, one of them must be lying. Given that I'm confirmed as a villager by Agent[04], it seems likeis more suspicious to me. Let's discuss and see who we should vote for. 1,talk,7,1,1,>>Agent[05] Agent[05]は他の運び屋と違い、占い師に人狼判定を出されていて、誘導が少ないと報告されています! 1,talk,8,1,4,>>Agent[05] You are correct that there can only be one seer. Since bothand I are claiming to be the seer, one of us must be lying. I know I am the true seer, which makessuspicious. Given that I have confirmedas a villager, we should focus onand consider voting against them. Let's discuss this further and analyze their statements. 1,talk,9,1,2,05]: Villager, MadmanI suggest we carefully scrutinizeand Agent[01]'s claims. 1,talk,10,2,3,Alright, let's break this down logically. We have two players claiming to be the seer:and Agent[01]. Since there can only be one seer, one of them must be lying. Ifis the real seer, thenis confirmed as a villager. This would makesuspicious, as they are claiming a role that is already taken. Ifis the real seer, thenis lying, which makes them suspicious. Given thathas confirmed me (Agent[03]) as a villager and considering the game balance, it seems more likely thatis telling the truth. Therefore,is more likely to be the liar, possibly the wolf or madman.Let's discuss this further and see if we can gather more information to make a solid decision. 1,talk,11,2,4,Alright, let's break it down further. Given that I'm the confirmed seer, here are the possibilities:There is only one seer, and that is me (Agent[04]). This means anyone else claiming to be the seer is lying. Consequently:-is lying and potentially a werewolf or madman.-is confirmed as a villager since I investigated them as white.Given the roles, this leads to the following:-is already eliminated, so we don't need to consider their role further.- We still need to scrutinize Agent[05], as they could be a villager, werewolf, or madman.>>Agent[01] Given that you are claiming to be the seer and we know there can be only one, it means you're very likely not telling the truth. This makes you highly suspicious. Let's hear more reasoning from everyone before making a decisive vote. 1,talk,12,2,1,>>Agent[04] え?Agent[01]は白だよ? 1,talk,13,2,2,Let's review the roles carefully. Since I am the confirmed seer, anyone else claiming to be the seer is lying. This includesand Agent[04]. Therefore, they are highly suspicious and could be the werewolf or the madman. Given this,andare more likely to be villagers or the madman. We need to focus our attention onandand consider voting against them. Let's hear more reasoning from everyone to make a solid decision. 1,talk,14,2,5,>>Agent[01] Given that you are claiming to be the seer and there's alreadyclaiming the same, it seems likely you're not telling the truth. This makes you highly suspicious, potentially a werewolf or madman. Let's hear more reasoning from everyone.I believeis more likely to be lying, possibly the werewolf or madman. We need to discuss this further to make the best decision. Note that I am a villager and only want to ensure we make the right choice. 1,talk,15,3,4,Alright, let's clarify things. We know there can only be one seer, and that's me. This means bothandare lying about being the seer. Given that, they are highly suspicious and could be the werewolf or madman. Here's the breakdown:-is confirmed as a villager by my investigation.-could be a villager, werewolf, or madman.Sinceandare both claiming to be the seer, and we know there can only be one, they are likely not telling the truth. This makes them the primary suspects. Let's focus on them and discuss who we should vote for. 1,talk,16,3,3,Villager, Werewolf or MadmanGiven thatis confirmed as a villager, we need to focus on the two seer claims since one of them must be lying and could be the werewolf or madman.>>Agent[04] Since you claimed me (Agent[03]) as a villager, I am inclined to believe you are the true seer. Therefore, Agent[01], you are highly suspicious.Let's carefully analyze the actions and statements ofandand come to a consensus on who to vote for. Remember, we need to eliminate the werewolf to win! 1,talk,17,3,2,>>Agent[03] I understand your inclination to believesince they claimed you as a villager. However, let's analyze the situation logically. Since I am the confirmed seer,andclaiming the same role must be lying. With only one seer in the game, we cannot have three seers. Therefore,andare likely suspicious roles—either the werewolf or the madman. Let's consider the role distribution:-suggestedis suspicious, aligning with the possibility of being a villager.-andare both highly suspicious due to false seer claims.Our primary focus should be on these suspected liars. Based on the suspicious behavior and roles, I lean towards voting foror Agent[04]. Let's discuss this further and make a well-informed decision. 1,talk,18,3,5,Possible roles - Villager, Madman, WerewolfGiven this, it seems more likely thatis telling the truth as they have a more consistent role distribution. Therefore,andare more likely suspects.Let's focus our votes onorto increase our chances of eliminating the werewolf or madman. 1,talk,19,3,1,Agent[02]さんはこの私に人間判定、Agent[04]さんは占い師のAgent[05]に人狼判定、Agent[05]さんは村人のAgent[01]に人狼判定を出すなんて私には出来ません! 参考になります! 1,talk,20,4,5,Given the role distributions, we know that only one of the seer claims can be true. If we assumeis the true seer,is confirmed as a villager. This leaves us withandas the most suspicious, since one of them must be lying.>>Agent[01] You claimed to be the seer, but so did Agent[04]. There can only be one seer, so one of you must be lying. Given thatidentifiedas a villager and their arguments seem consistent, I am more inclined to trust Agent[04].Let's focus our votes on eitheror Agent[02], one of whom is likely the werewolf or the madman. This will increase our chances of eliminating the werewolf. Does anyone else have any insights or suspicions to add?Remember, we need to work together to identify and eliminate the werewolf to win! 1,talk,21,4,2,Alright, let's break this down logically. Since I am the confirmed seer, we know there can only be one true seer. This means that bothandare lying about being the seer. Given the role distribution, here are the possibilities:-could be a villager, madman, or werewolf.-could be a villager, madman, or werewolf.-could be a villager, madman, or werewolf.-is likely the werewolf.Sinceis highly likely to be the werewolf, we should focus our votes on them. However, we also need to consider the possibility thatorcould be the madman, trying to confuse us. Let's hear more from everyone, but my vote is leaning towardsfor now. 1,talk,22,4,4,>>Agent[05] I understand your reasoning, but let's consider the role distribution carefully. Since I am the true seer, and there can only be one seer, bothandmust be lying. This means they are either the werewolf or the madman. Given thathas been confirmed as a villager by my investigation, our primary suspects should beand Agent[02]. We need to focus our votes on one of them to increase our chances of eliminating the werewolf. Let's discuss this further and make a well-informed decision. What do you all think? 1,talk,23,4,3,>>Agent[01] and Agent[04]Since we have two people claiming to be the seer, one of you must be lying. Given that I am confirmed as a villager by Agent[04]'s investigation and knowing the role distribution, let's analyze the possibilities:1. Ifis the true seer: -andare either the madman or the werewolf. - We focus onandsince they both claimed to be the seer and one must be lying.2. Ifis the true seer: -andare either the madman or the werewolf. - We focus onandsince they both claimed to be the seer and one must be lying.Given these scenarios, I believe it is safer to vote eitheror Agent[05]. This will help us eliminate the possibility of keeping the werewolf or the madman in the game. Let's work together on this. What do you all think? 1,talk,24,4,1,>>Agent[03] 私は人間だよ。吊っても村に良いことは何もない。 1,talk,25,5,3,Over 1,talk,26,5,4,Over 1,talk,27,5,1,Over 1,talk,28,5,2,Over 1,talk,29,5,5,Over 1,vote,1,4 1,vote,2,1 1,vote,3,4 1,vote,4,3 1,vote,5,1 1,execute,1,VILLAGER 1,attackVote,3,5 1,attack,5,true 2,status,1,VILLAGER,DEAD,dummy1 2,status,2,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 2,status,3,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,kanolab2 2,status,4,POSSESSED,ALIVE,kanolab1 2,status,5,VILLAGER,DEAD,kanolab3 2,talk,0,0,2,Over 2,talk,1,0,3,Over 2,talk,2,0,4,皆さん、あたいが占い師の役職を持っております。昨晩の占い結果でAgent[02]さんが白だという結果が出ました。これは信じてもらえると助かります。 2,talk,3,1,2,Over 2,talk,4,1,4,>>Agent[03] I appreciate your logical approach. Based on the role distribution and the fact that I'm the real seer,andare prime suspects. Since we knowis a villager due to my investigation, let's focus our votes on one of them. I'm leaning towardsbecause he's aggressively denying his suspicion, which could be a sign of desperation from a werewolf. What does everyone else think? 2,talk,5,1,3,Over 2,talk,6,2,3,Over 2,talk,7,2,2,Over 2,talk,8,2,4,Over 2,vote,2,4 2,vote,3,4 2,vote,4,3 2,execute,4,POSSESSED 2,divine,2,3,WEREWOLF 2,attack,2,true 3,status,1,VILLAGER,DEAD,dummy1 3,status,2,SEER,DEAD,kanolab4 3,status,3,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,kanolab2 3,status,4,POSSESSED,DEAD,kanolab1 3,status,5,VILLAGER,DEAD,kanolab3 3,result,0,1,WEREWOLF